Sep 30, 2012

Living room: Checkmark!

Lets just enjoy the pictures. We got huge help this weekend and the results are simply perfect! Thanks to everyone for the help. And here the result in pictures.

Sep 29, 2012

The first room is done!

The small bedroom we managed to finish today with help of Rogers parents and brother who came this weekend to give us a little push.

Other than that painting is done in the living room and the kitchen, floor tiles in the big bathroom are laid, plastering is being continued and the living room is getting floor.

Sep 23, 2012

Painting, Plastering, more painting...

This is the summary of the last week. Saturday we got a little help with the plastering. Otherwise we concentrated on the living room and kitchen to be done by next weekend so we can lay down the floors.

And this is the status now:

Small bedroom - we painted one more layer in a different shade

Cotton (Bomull) 
We carried in the floor boards so they adjust to inside climate.

Kitchen - The first layer of paint is done and...

... its waiting for the finish now.

The hallway - we got some help...

... with plastering the stairway.

The living room - the first layer of color...

... on three of the four walls.

It really starts to look nice. :)

Other than that Roger started to close up the windows and doors in the basement, so it can dry out and warm up a little bit. Pictures of that I will post a little later - it was already dark when he was done today.

Sep 16, 2012

Status after two weeks in the house

All vacation are over so now we have only the evenings after work to do some things in the house. We try to fit it in with the usual stuff that is going on in the weeks with all the things the girls are attending after school. Often all that is left is only 3-4 hours in the evenings. 

Saturday we were in Steinkjer for the birthday of our niece so we had only half the weekend. But the kids were happy to get away from the construction site and we had the chance to do some bulk-shopping, like paint. We also picked up the floor we wanna lay soon.

And here is how far we have come the second week:

Small bathroom:
First wall tiles

Priming is done

Living room:
All walls are primed

Main bathroom:
We started with the floortiles

The kids got their own little room where they can even watch movies.

Meanwhile Vikna kommune has continued with the work on the sidewalk. Now the curbs have been put down resulting in the fact that we cannot use our driveway unless we wanna destroy the tires of the car. Excellent job!

Sep 13, 2012

The work continues...

... in the evenings after work. Progress is slow but it's there. :) The living room is plastered two times, now we prime it to give it the finish afterwards. We will have to plaster a little more - but it starts to look good.

In the bathroom the most tricky tiles around the window are in place as well now.

Sep 9, 2012

The first week in our new house

No, we did not yet move in.  :-) Before we can do that we still have a lot of work to do. The focus for us is now to do the finish in the first floor. I will try later to post a layout of the house so it is more clear what rooms we are writing about. In general we splitted up our fields of responsibility - Roger is concentrating on the bathrooms and I am concentrating on the plastering and painting of the rooms. So we started our work on Monday.

First of all we had to put up some heating to get the moisture out of the house. It has been standing now for 2 weeks without any heating so it was cold and moist inside. We started to plaster in the smallest bedroom to try a little bit out how to do it. I had never done it before so I wanted to start in a room that would not be as representative as the living room. The plastering went good. The only set back was that it needs under perfect conditions (23 degrees room temperature) already 24 hours to dry out. With a cold and moist house this meant it takes even longer. During the week I managed to plaster the small bedroom, the kitchen (to get fridge and freezer in place) and half the living room.

Friday we got help from Rogers parents and with their help we have now finished painting the small bedroom and parts of the kitchen. We could put fridge and freezer in place and started filling it up with meals for the next days, so we do not need to drive back and forth just for eating purposes. In the big bathroom nearly all tiles are on the wall. The kitchen and half the living room has been plastered two rounds and is ready for the final round before painting.

Status Friday evening: 

Bathroom - wall done where the shower is

Kitchen - Fridge and freezer in place
 Status Saturday evening:

Bedroom - priming on the walls done 


Bathroom - tiles around the window and around the place where the toilet goes


Living room - 2nd round with plastering in the first half (the one without the windows)
Status now (Sunday evening):

Bathroom - nearly all tiles on the wall


Living room

Living room

Bedroom - 2 stokes of paint applied, we chose Chi which is whiter than the window frame so we might apply one more stroke with a little more off-white shade

We also got a drive way on Friday. It is a little steep but it works at least for now. We will see what the winter brings...


Sep 3, 2012

Day 21 - Electricity came

Today we got electricity in the house, so now we just need to get the plumber here to connect the water. Then we have everything we need for all the work that is needed in the house. Now we put up some heating so the house can dry out before we start with the big finish. It feels like things are falling in place now. Hopefully all the delays will not delay us moving in by too much.