Sep 23, 2012

Painting, Plastering, more painting...

This is the summary of the last week. Saturday we got a little help with the plastering. Otherwise we concentrated on the living room and kitchen to be done by next weekend so we can lay down the floors.

And this is the status now:

Small bedroom - we painted one more layer in a different shade

Cotton (Bomull) 
We carried in the floor boards so they adjust to inside climate.

Kitchen - The first layer of paint is done and...

... its waiting for the finish now.

The hallway - we got some help...

... with plastering the stairway.

The living room - the first layer of color...

... on three of the four walls.

It really starts to look nice. :)

Other than that Roger started to close up the windows and doors in the basement, so it can dry out and warm up a little bit. Pictures of that I will post a little later - it was already dark when he was done today.

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